Bilyan Natural Springs
In 2021 the Collarenebri community received funding through Walgett Shire Council and Murray Darling Basin Authority for the construction of a natural spring in town to enhance visitor attraction. There are bore baths in Walgett, Lightning Ridge, Goodooga and other locations that are proximate to the town. The community believes it will be important to the success of these baths that they are developed as part of an integrated destination management plan to ensure that they enhance local attractions and do not replicate what is available elsewhere. The Corporation will consult with the Council on the location and design of the baths to ensure they support and extend the reputation of Collarenebri as a tourist destination.
Estimated Cost
Funding Round Applied
Murray Darling Basin Authority
Direct Jobs Created
Indirect Jobs Supported
Project Lead
Walgett Shire Council

Theory of Change