Dhirri-li Education for Work Centre
The aim of this project is to support locals to enrol in vocational programs leading to entry-level positions in health, education, business, aged care and social work. This will include a TVET pathway program for school students providing an opportunity for students to study and gain experience in a professional workplace to build aspiration for paraprofessional careers, and the confidence of students to engage in continuing study after school. The Centre will also host Aboriginal adult learners who want to commence a career in health care. The Centre will provide a space for people to gain exposure to experience and training; attend basic clinical and professional skills classes; access 24/7 online tutoring support (to be provided by Studiosity); and, help students to build student understanding of opportunities and careers in health. By providing real-world experience, the goal of the centre is to encourage more young people to continue beyond Year 10 and enrol in TVET programs on a pathway to a professional career back in the local community.
Estimated Cost
2023 Funding Secured
NSW Community and Place Grants Program 2022 - funding for clinical simulators, study room computers, program development coordinator - $100,000
2024 Funding Needed
$100,000 in funding to commence program in November including support for teachers to engage students to enrol in TVET; supervision of students on clinical placement in the practice; guest speakers from the health sector (with an emphasis on Aboriginal health professionals); program evaluation.
Direct Jobs Created
Indirect Jobs Supported
Project Lead
Healthy Communities Foundation Australia
Collarenebri Central School
Healthy Communities Foundation Australia Ltd
2023 Funding Secured
2024 Funding Partnership Required
Theory of Change